Give me the Old Time Religion!!

by Chinnite, June 7, 2020


Give me that Old Time Religion

Jeremiah 6:16, ‘Stand in the ways and see, ask for the old paths, where the good way is and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘we will not walk in it’’.

Lyrics- Song by Dolly Parton

Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
It’s good enough for me

Makes me love everybody
Makes me love everybody
Makes me love everybody
And it’s good enough for me

It will take us all to heaven
It will take us all to heaven
It will take us all to heaven
And it’s good enough for me


This song is quite old and a lot of the young ones may not have listened to it but it is so important for our times today. The old-time religion is simply what we need today and forever. In our bid to revolutionize Christianity, we have thrown away the substance of Christianity.

What is the old-time religion? The Old-time religion is the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ handed over to us in the four-letter word- LOVE. When we practiced this religion, we did everything out of genuine love for God and humanity. Interestingly, in those days, the vices, problems and troubles of life that we have today in the church were mainly heard amongst unbelievers. Believers faced mainly the challenge of persecution for their faith and belief. Have you ever given it a thought that when believers practiced the old-time religion, they had better relationships, lifestyle and fulfillment?

The Old-time religion was a time that:

  • Jesus Christ, not our Pastors or idols reigned supreme
  • Love for God and humanity was exalted and lived
  • Purity was celebrated and sin detested
  • Christians lived the Christ-like life and not hypocritical lives
  • Soul winning was the prime target for believers
  • Bible study was important
  • The quest for eternity was high and not quest for worldly pleasures and fame
  • We gave and shared all we had in love
  • Families prayed together and had daily devotions
  • Children were raised properly to respect and comport themselves well
  • Fathers were truly the head of their homes- protecting, providing for and leading the home aright
  • Mothers were the true support to their husbands. Training the children and keeping a warm and conducive home for the fathers
  • Everyone was responsible for the upbringing of a balanced child irrespective of who their biological parents were
  • Church leaders led people in righteousness
  • Christians were easily identified by their actions not words e.t.c

Let us practice one part of this– LOVE. Beloved, the old-time religion practice is still the true Christian practice irrespective of what anyone tells you. It is spelt in one name Jesus Christ and expressed in one word- LOVE. If we learn to practice LOVE as espoused in 1 Corinthians 13, it will, like Dolly Parton sang, take us all to heaven. This is because, Love conquers all- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Today, I appeal to you to bring back the old-time religion you were brought up with- daily family prayers and bible devotions; love for one another; integrity; purity and love as you spend time at home. James 1:27 reminds us about the true religion to practice, ‘Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world’. This lockdown period is designed for us to have a rethink and go back to the true path that we had lost.

The old-time religion is still and will forever be good enough for us so let’s get back to it.

Hebrews 13:8, reminds us always that, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.’ amen

If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, please bow your head and say this prayer, ‘Lord Jesus, I come in total humility and ask that You forgive me all my sins. I acknowledge that You died to save me from the power of sin and death. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that You release the Holy Spirit of promise to guide me into all truth to enable me live a life pleasing to You every day of my life. All these I pray in Jesus Christ name, amen’.

Congratulations for your name has been transferred to the book of life. God bless you. If you need further help with your walk with God, do contact us with this email

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