May is for Restoration

by Chinnite, June 7, 2020

Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me.’’ Nehemiah 4:18

Happy new month beloved. It is a great privilege to be alive to celebrate the new month in good health despite the pandemic. To God alone be all the glory forever and ever, amen.

I am very excited to share the revelation for this month of MAY with you. I will encourage us to receive this with gratitude and the mind of Jesus Christ . Do not receive it with a carnal mind that judges by sight. The reality for today may differ from this revelation but be reminded that the spiritual controls the physical hence if God says so, He is bound to fulfill His promises.

The month of May 2020 holds something good for us. We will experience restoration on all sides, be it physical (mainly health), spiritual, emotional, mental, social. To restore means to bring back something to its former or original state. It doesn’t matter what it is and how long, just believe that God is able to and will restore all to you. There is a requirement from your end:

You need to BE FIERY

Before I define the term for us, I would like us to confirm if we have had this experience before- You were told some positive prophetic messages (some had specific dates), yet these messages never came to pass. The messengers were men and women of God that you could atleast trust with spiritual matters. Have you ever wondered why they didn’t come to pass? Well the secret is that we need to be fiery if we want to see and keep the prophetic words for us whenever we hear them.

Fiery is defined as something that consists of fire or burning strongly and brightly. For you and I, we must rekindle our prayer lives and ensure that the flame burns strongly and brightly, day and night. You might have the outward display of holiness and genuinely be tongue speaking christians but if we let our spirit man grow cold, it makes us empty vessels and the devil will keep stealing from us. Remember his mission is to steal, kill and destroy. A good example of empty vessels was narrated in Acts 19:11-17 where the seven sons of Sceva (the Chief Priest) were confronted with their spiritual reality. The demon possessed man said to them in verse 15, ‘’Jesus I know, and Paul I know, who are you’’, he overpowered and beat them up. The same way a lot of us have been overpowered by the devil because our spiritual fire is not ablaze.

What do you need to do?

Are you tired of your situations? Are there areas of your life that you want God to restore? If you are truly desirous of getting this change, then you need to put in the work by becoming spiritually strong and keeping your spiritual fire burning. You can do this by:

  • Repentance: You must first repent of any sin hindering you from keeping your spiritual life aflame. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of them and ask God for forgiveness.
  • Strategize: Prayer is not a wishy-washy affair. You must design your prayer strategy. In the film, War-Room and the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer (do watch/read it), we saw how a well designed prayer strategy works. I have benefited from it as well. Plan your prayer times and endeavour to keep those times free to pray to God. Have a Covenant Time with God.
  • Warfare: Just like the name implies, it is a battle for your destiny. Endeavour to war at midnight to early hours (from 12midnight) to take back and keep that which belongs to you as well as grow spiritually.
  • Using the Sword: Every battle is worn with weapons. The Christian’s spiritual weapons are narrated in Ephesians 6:10-18 where the word of God is described as the sword. Jesus Christ used it while He was on earth. You must study, meditate and apply the word to secure your life and blessings. Prayers not backed by the word of God are mere rhetorics. The power is in the word of God. Isaiah 55:11 confirms this, ‘So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth, it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it’.
  • Daily Declarations: When you find the sword (the word) that refers to what you want from God, then you must daily and often declare it in faith. Job 22:28 says, ‘You will also declare a thing, and it shall be established for you. So light will shine on your ways’.
  • Deal with your dreams: while I will not ask you to allow it distract you from focusing on what God has for you, you must take note of your dreams and spiritually discern, prayerfully deal with, and enjoy the benefits. Anytime you have a good dream, pray and declare it until it manifests in the physical. Likewise, anytime you have a bad dream, pray and cancel it until you have peace in your heart. God reveals things through dreams and there are stories about it recorded in the bible.

The same way Nehemiah and his team rebuilt the city in the book of Nehemiah, God is ready to restore us to our original state. The Lord wants us to rebuild our lives. We need to rebuild it with our swords ready to take on and destroy any enemy that will want to tamper with it again. When the Lord restores, no one will be in doubt that He did it. Ensure that you are in tune with God so that all that He wants to accomplish for you will be accomplished. Remember His promise to us in Joel 2:25-26 ‘’So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust and the chewing locust, my great army which I sent among you. (26) You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; And my people shall not be put to shame.’’

Beloved, one thing that can deprive you of this restoration is your relationship with Him. If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, then I urge you to do so. This month has something great in it. Say this prayer of repentance, ‘Lord Jesus, I come in total humility and ask that You forgive me all my sins. I acknowledge that You died to save me from the power of sin and death. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that You release the Holy Spirit of promise to guide me into all truth to enable me live a life pleasing to You every day of my life. All these I pray in Jesus Christ name, amen’.

Congratulations for your name has been transferred to the book of life. God bless you. If you need further help with your walk with God, do contact us with this email




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