God Reveals to Deliver

by Chinnite, June 7, 2020


”And one of his servants said, ‘None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom”

2 Kings 6:12

Revelations can make or mare one’s destiny

When the king of Syria made war against Israel, he found that his strategy consistently failed because the king of Israel was given timely information about his plans which voided all his attempts. He became so angry and wanted to know who the spy in his team was. One of his servants told him point blank that his secrets where no secrets to God because everything he said in his bedroom was related to God’s prophet Elisha.

Beloved, God is a God of order and will not allow anything to happen without first revealing it to His own. You or someone you know may have confided in you at one time or the other that they had a premonition that something was going to happen and it happened. That was God trying to tell them or warn them about it. God does not do anything without telling His Prophets. Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the Prophets”. At the onset of Covid 19, some people in one of the Social Media groups I belong to took on the men of God and mocked them over their new year good news which didn’t mention the pandemic. I showed them with evidence the prophesy that was given at the ministry where I went for the crossover prayers (from 10pm December 31, 2019 to early hours of January 1, 2020) where the Minister talked about this strange disease of the air passage that will destroy many lives. Interestingly, I went with my jotter and took notes of all that he prophesied (including the loss of jobs by bankers and all). You can listen to some of his messages here https://soundcloud.com/chimaugochukwu if you so desire. Also, I learnt that there were other ministers of God who got this revelation before the outbreak. There are so many other bible stories that showed how God delivered someone or some people from harm through revelations. One interesting one was that of Abimelech who took Abraham’s wife because she and her husband lied that they were siblings. God told him in the dream that he will be a dead man if he tried touching Sarah (see Genesis 20:3).

Joseph the biblical father of our Lord Jesus Christ got the revelation not to reject Mary away for being with a child outside marriage and physical intercourse with him. Also, he was warned to escape with Mary and Jesus Christ to Egypt when the king sought to kill the baby Jesus (see Matthew 2:13).

What is Revelation?

Two interesting online dictionary definition of revelation are show below:

  • A surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others
  • The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence

We need to understand that the essence of any form of revelation is to prepare us for what is coming. I can share loads and loads of such personal experiences but that is not the core of today’s message. The essence of this is to drive home the need for us to properly interpret every revelation we get and address it accordingly. The Lord reveals through dreams, visions, prophesies and The Word of God. This may not be very clear to many but the truth is that once you give your life to Jesus Christ, you sign up for the communion and communication with God. Your ability to understand and deal with such revelations will either make or mare you. Joseph, Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, Mary, Joseph the father of Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and a lot of the bible personalities worked effectively through the revelation power.

What to do with a revelation

One of my prayer partners some years ago, Sister Chinenye will always say to me whenever I tell her that I had a dream that ‘God reveals to deliver’. She will always encourage me to pray and fast if need be to either stop it (if it is a bad one) or pray it out (if it is good). In one instance, one of my friends called me to tell me about a dream she had about me concerning a promotion at my work place. She described it clearly but in the physical it didn’t seem achieveable. I was meant to move from my 6th position in the ladder at my office to the 3rd position. I wondered how this could be but I was encouraged by Sister Chinenye to pray it out. Well, I did and within three months, I got the promotion. This reminded of the word of God in Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing is impossible”. Infact, the day the position was offered to me, I had a different plan for the office. This is what dealing with a revelation can do. If I didn’t pray it out, it may not have happened. Another case was when I went for an interview into one of the top Financial Regulatory institutions in the country and truly wanted the job. I dreamt where someone said that my name was missing on the list of those taken. I woke up and just prayed against it for about two days. Guess what, I got a call some months later to be informed that my name was put in KIV -keep in view. That was how I lost that job. If I had dealt with it prayerfully by calling my name into that list, believe me, I would have been given that job. So what should you do with any revelation?

  • Prayerfully interpret it: For any revelation, you must gain understanding of it. You can do this by waiting on God to interpret it. You can share your dream with men or women of God who you trust the grace of God upon their lives. If you do not understand it, you cannot resolve it.
  • Prayerfully resolve it: Revelations can be positive or negative. Either way, you need to consistently pray until you see it resolved. It took three months for my promotion to come forth. The one I handled carelessly, did not come. Daniel’s prayers were answered on the first day but it took extra prayers for 20 more days making it 21 days of intercession for his answers to come to pass in the physical (see Daniel 10:13). Some of these situations require fasting and prayers (not prayers alone). Some require undiluted praise.
  • Back up your fire with the word of God: If the revelation is not backed by the word of God then you can discard it. When you want to resolve a revelation, you must get the appropriate word of God to meditate and pray with. Every solution is in the word of God. Find the word and pray it until God answers.
  • Endeavour to keep a record: Every serious Christian must have their special record book. When God takes you to His word and it ministers to you, it is a revelation. Write it down and work it out. When you dream and you wake, note it and prayerfully deal with it. When someone gives you any revelation (good or bad), note it down and prayerfully deal with it. Beware that not all prophesies are from God. You need a spirit of discernment to know who is speaking to you. Do not be quick to seek out prophesies too. God will bring the right one to you and most importantly, He wants to reveal to you directly.
  • Keep your channel open: God reveals in various ways- through dreams, visions, prophesies as recorded in Acts 2:17 “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams”. Whatever channel through which God speaks or reveals things to you must be kept open, clean and untainted. This can be done through holy living. After Abraham sinned with Hagar, God didn’t speak to him for years. Sin blocks our channel with God so we must win this first enemy of our life.

Do you know that one dream rightly interpreted and dealt with can make a man and one wrongly handled can mare a man for life? Have you mismanaged previous dreams, visions, prophesies and words of God given to you? You helped the enemy make a mess of your life. It is not too late to get back on tract. In this month of Restoration, remember, God reveals to deliver. Whatever revelation you had that has not been appropriately dealt with must be revisited. Prayerfully interpret and resolve it in your favour. Going forward, never ignore any form of revelation because it can make or mare you.

Beloved, one thing that can deprive you of this revelation is your relationship with Him. If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, then I urge you to do so. Say this prayer of repentance, ‘Lord Jesus, I come in total humility and ask that You forgive me all my sins. I acknowledge that You died to save me from the power of sin and death. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that You release the Holy Spirit of promise to guide me into all truth to enable me live a life pleasing to You every day of my life. All these I pray in Jesus Christ name, amen’.

Congratulations for your name has been transferred to the book of life. God bless you. If you need further help with your walk with God, do contact us with this email JesusShopperteam@gmail.com

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